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by Kyokutoh

Comply with small throat depth gun

  1. Correspond to gun with small throat depth (more than 27.0mm).
  2. Balancer unit is a standard requirement, enables to reduce the load on the welding gun and the dresser.
  3. Simultaneous dressing the upper and lower electrodes enables to reduce dressing time and be always alignment of the face after dress.
  4. Dresser with built-in rotation confirmation function by proximity sensor (Option).
  5. Splash proof construction for terminal box.
  6. High torque, high-speed rotation (1 sec. dressing).
  7. KTW cutter dresses upper and lower electrode simultaneously ensuring tip face align ment and its life span is long.
  8. Correspond to international safety standard, CCC & CE.



PT. Unggul Semesta LogomarkPT. Unggul Semesta Wordmark

Over 30 years of experience supplying welding equipments.

Best-in-class products and services for welding, press, material handling, and automation.

Contact Information

021 897 3731 (to 35)

Jl. Kenari Raya Blok G-03A No. 1

Kawasan Industri Delta Silicon 5

Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi 17550, Indonesia

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